
As possible substrates for one-photon infrared-pumped reaction (IRPR), the structures and decomposition paths of complexes between AlH4- and three proton donors, H2O, HF, and HCl, have been studied by ab initio methods. In each case only one transition state was found for the proton-transfer and H2-loss process. For each cluster, the geometry and energy characteristics of reactants, complex, transition state, and products were analyzed with [AlH4···HCl]- emerging as the best IRPR candidate. The MP2//6-311++G**-calculated intrinsic reaction coordinate (IRC) confirmed the one-step proton transfer and H2 loss with no intermediate. Classical trajectories were calculated on the ab initio potential-energy surface, beginning from a large number of initial conditions. With zero-point vibrational energies (ZPVE = 1/2hνi) assigned to all normal modes, based on their calculated harmonic frequencies, νi, one or more additional excitation quanta were added to modes associated with Cl−H and Al−H stretching. Proton transfer from HCl and loss of H2 were calculated to occur on the femtosecond time scale when stretching modes involving the dihydrogen-bonded hydrogens were excited. However, many vibrational oscillations take place before H2 release. Analysis of the dynamics in terms of the complex's normal modes indicates that the excitation in the reaction-relevant modes remains localized on a time scale >1 ps.

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