
Copyright © 2019 by SIAM. The Gaussian process (GP) model is a powerful tool for regression problems. However, the high computational costs of the GP model has constrained its applications over large-scale data sets. To overcome this limitation, aggregation models employ distributed GP submodels (experts) for parallel training and predicting, and then merge the predictions of all submodels to produce an approximated result. The state-of-the-art aggregation models are based on Bayesian committee machines, where a prior is assumed at the start and then updated by each submodel. In this paper, we investigate the impact of the prior on the accuracy of aggregations. We propose a query-aware Bayesian committee machine (QBCM). The QBCM model partitions the testing data (i.e., queries) into subsets, and incorporates a query-aware prior when merging the predictions of submodels. This model improves the prediction accuracy, while retaining the advantages of aggregation models, i.e., closed-form inference and parallelizability. We conduct both theoretical analysis and empirical experiments on real data. The results confirm the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed model QBCM.

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