
A simple limiting factor in the intrinsic variable of the normal diffusive coupling is known to facilitate the phenomenon of reviving of oscillation [Zou et al., Nat. Commun. 6, 7709 (2015)2041-172310.1038/ncomms8709], where the limiting factor destabilizes the stable steady states, thereby resulting in the manifestation of the stable oscillatory states. In contrast, in this work we show that the same limiting factor can indeed facilitate the manifestation of the stable steady states by destabilizing the stable oscillatory state. In particular, the limiting factor in the intrinsic variable facilitates the genesis of a nontrivial amplitude death via a saddle-node infinite-period limit (SNIPER) bifurcation and symmetry-breaking oscillation death via a saddle-node bifurcation among the coupled identical oscillators. The limiting factor facilities the onset of symmetric oscillation death among the coupled nonidentical oscillators. It is known that the nontrivial amplitude death state manifests via a subcritical pitchfork bifurcation in general. Nevertheless, here we observe the transition to the nontrivial amplitude death via a SNIPER bifurcation. The in-phase oscillatory state loses its stability via the SNIPER bifurcation, resulting in the manifestation of the nontrivial amplitude death state, whereas the out-of-phase oscillatory state loses its stability via a homoclinic bifurcation, resulting in an unstable oscillatory state. Multistabilities among the various dynamical states are also observed. We have also deduced the evolution equationfor the perturbation governing the stability of the observed dynamical states and stability conditions for SNIPER and pitchfork bifurcations. The generic nature of the effect of the limiting factor is also reinforced using two distinct nonlinear oscillators.

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