
Chapter 4 critically engages with the programming of the three cases studies under analysis from a five-year period from 2009 to 2013. The analysis is structured according to three binaries of homonormativity. First, how do the narratives engage in contemporary politics? Or contrastingly, are films imbued with an awareness of the hegemonic relations of contemporary identity politics? The second binary under discussion in the analysis of the film programmes concerned domesticity. A distinct element of homonormativity is both privatisation and the preference of heteronormative ideals, namely the attempted recreation of the nuclear family. The final dichotomy at play in the programming examines how identity in the narrative plays out. While some films exhibit a clear hierarchy of sexual identity, other films celebrate their queer diversity. The aim of this chapter is to find out if both homonormative films and socially empowering films can coexist.

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