
List of contributors 1. Opportunities and pitfalls in co-operative reproduction 2. Reproductive structure and reproductive roles in colonies of eusocial insects 3. Queen - queen conflicts in polygynous societies: mutual tolerance and reproductive skew 4. Sex ratio variation in polygynous ants 5. The effects of polygny and colony life history on optimal sex investment 6. Genetic relatedness and its components in polygynous colonies of social insects 7. The maintenance of high genetic relatedness in multi-queen colonies of social wasps 8. The evolutiuon of polygyny in primitively eusocial polistine wasps with special rerference to the genus Ropalidia 9. Serial polygyny in the primitively eusocial wasp Ropalidia marginata: implications for the evolution of sociality 10. Multiple - foundress associations in sweat bees 11. Monogyny and polygyny in ponerine ants with or without queens 12. Ecological determinants of queen number in ants 13. Distribution and ecology of queen number in ants of the genus Myrmica 14. Monogyny and polygyny in Formica ants: the result of alternative dispersal tactics 15. Queen - queen interactions in polygynous ants 16. Kin discrimination and division of labour among matrilines in the polygynous carpenter ant, Camponotus planatus 17. Selective pressures on pleometrosis and secondary polygyny: a comparison of termites and ants Glossary Author index Subject index

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