
By the exchange of virtual microwave photon induced by a stripline cavity, we present a collective spin-qubit model for the indirect interaction between a superconducting charge-phase qubit and an ensemble of the polar molecules. More importantly, the high-order nonlinear interaction among the polar molecules is generated successfully by using the SU(2) commutation relations of the qubit. Numerical simulation shows that this high-order nonlinear interaction can lead to a strong macroscopic quantum coherent effect, even if the parameters including the molecular number are small. For a large molecular number, the Kerr nonlinear interaction is also obtained. Moreover, it is found that this Kerr nonlinear parameter depends linearly on the molecular number, and as a result, has a giant value, which is 2 to 3 orders of magnitude larger than that in the other proposal schemes of the solid-state systems. Our results present a way to investigate the quantum nonlinear dynamics of the polar molecules.

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