
The Quaternary Period encompasses the Pleistocene and the Holocene or Recent Epochs. The date used for the beginning of the Pleistocene depends upon which globally recognizable event is selected as representing a significant break with the preceding Pliocene Epoch. Candidates include the Gauss-Matuyama magnetopolarity boundary (~2.8 Ma; see Quaternary International, 1997); the initiation of widespread permafrost, a frigid Arctic Ocean, and rapid glaciation in the high northern latitudes (~2.4 Ma; Shackleton and Opdyke, 1977; Shackleton et al., 1984); or the African Olduvai paleomagnetic event between 1.87 and 1.67 Ma. The transition from hothouse to icehouse conditions was gradual, but the Pleistocene is typified at Vrica, Italy, as beginning at ~1.67 Ma (Aguirre and Pasini, 1985; Richmond and Fullerton, 1986; oxygen isotope stage 62), and that is the date used here. In the conterminous United States the Elk Creek till of Nebraska is 2.14 m.y. in age (Hallberg, 1986), and the onset of the full ice age is represented by the onset of repeated glaciations at ~850 Kya when glaciers extended down the Mississippi River Valley. Subsequently, glacial-interglacial conditions fluctuated until the latest retreat at ~11 Kya that began the Holocene or Recent Epoch. The chronology of ice age events began with the publication of Louis Agassiz’s (1840) Etudes surles Glaciers. In the absence of evidence to the contrary, a single glacial advance was envisioned as blanketing the high latitudes. In the 1940s Willard E Libby at the University of Chicago perfected the technique of radiocarbon dating, and Flint and Rubin (1955) applied this methodology of “isotopic clocks” to establishing the absolute chronology of drift deposits from the eastern and midwestern United States. Their radiocarbon dates showed evidence of two or more times of continental-scale glaciations; older organic material was “radiocarbon inert” and beyond the ~40-Ky range of the technique. A standard chronology eventually became established for North America that included four major glacial stages (Nebraskan, oldest; Kansan; Illinoian; and Wisconsin) separated by four interglacials (Aftonian, oldest; Yarmouth, Sangamon, and the present Holocene).

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