
This is an updated contribution to the Quaternary geology and paleontology from central-western Argentina, focused on San Luis Province. It is mostly based on unpublished data; only some fossils had previously been briefly mentioned in broader faunal contexts. The fossil-bearing sediments correspond to eolian and alluvial environments of moderate energy, dominated by sands and sandy silts. They overlie high-energy fluvial cycles and underlie edaphic horizons. They have a wide distribution, and several radiocarbon dates allow their regional correlation. Stratigraphic sequences with the precise origin of fossils allow for the improvement of lithostratigraphic and faunal correlations with the Pampean Region (central and east Argentina; La Pampa and Buenos Aires provinces), where Pleistocene assemblages are better known, but also with central-western (Cuyo Region), northwestern, and northeastern Argentina. Faunal remains correspond to large mammals, represented by xenarthrans (Cingulata and Tardigrada), macraucheniids (Litopterna), gomphotheres (Proboscidea), and equids (Perissodactyla), a typical Pleistocene mixture of native (xenarthrans and litopterns) and immigrant mammals.

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