
Quasi-Periodic Oscillations (QPOs) are very puzzling since they remain totally unexplained by popular earlier models of accretion disks. The significant rms value in power density spectrum implies that the oscillation involves in the dynamical and non-linear variation of certain region of the accretion disk itself. The nature of the energy dependence implies that the region which produces Comptonized hard tail is also responsible for QPOs. Similarly, the occurrences of the QPOs are strongly related to the jet formation and the spectral states. These features are the natural consequences of the advective disk paradigm that we are advocating. In the mid 90s, some of the present authors first pointed out that the QPOs in all possible types of black holes may be simply due to the oscillations of the CENBOL, the CENtrifugal pressure supported BOundary Layer which is formed in the sub-Keplerian flows around a black hole. This CENBOL could be axi-symmetric as well as non-axisymteric in nature since its boundary, namely, the centrifugally driven shocks could be axi-symmetric or non-axisymmetric. In addition, we pointed out that the transition radius where the flow becomes Keplerian to subKeplerian, as well as the location of the inner sonic point can also oscillate and produce the QPOs. Since the shock locations are functions of the specific angular momentum (�) and specific energy (E) of the flow, our model naturally predicts that the QPO frequency should vary with mass, spin, � and E. The QPO frequencies with specific ratios, such as, 2:3 must be due to non-axisymmetric effects when the shock switches between the two-armed and the three-armed spirals. We also discuss the possible effects that the disk inclination might have with the line of sight.

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