
The list of known Banach spaces whose linear geometry determines the (nonlinear) democracy functions of their quasi-greedy bases to the extent that they end up being democratic, reduces to c0, ℓ2, and all separable L1-spaces. Oddly enough, these are the only Banach spaces that, when they have an unconditional basis, it is unique. Our aim in this paper is to study the connection between quasi-greediness and democracy of bases in non-locally convex spaces. We prove that all quasi-greedy bases in ℓp for 0<p<1 (which also has a unique unconditional basis) are democratic with fundamental function of the same order as (m1/p)m=1∞. The methods we develop allow us to obtain even more, namely that the same occurs in any separable Lp-space, 0<p<1, with the bounded approximation property.

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