
We localize the loop equation of large-N YM theory in the anti-self-dual variables on a critical equation for an effective action by means of homological methods as opposed to the cohomological localization of equivariantly closed forms in local field theory. Our localization occurs for some special simple quasi BPS Wilson loops, that have no perimeter divergence and no cusp anomaly for backtracking cusps, in a partial Eguchi-Kawai reduction from four to two dimensions of the non-commutative theory in the limit of infinite non-commutativity and in a lattice regularization in which the anti-self-dual integration variables live at the points of the lattice, thus implying an embedding of parabolic Higgs bundles in the YM functional integral. We find that the beta function of the effective action is saturated by the non-commutative anti-self-dual vortices of the Eguchi-Kawai reduction. An exact canonical beta function of Novikov-Shifman-Vainshtein-Zakharov type, that reproduces the universal first and second perturbative coefficients follows by the localization on vortices. Finally we argue that a scheme can be found in which the canonical coupling coincides with the physical charge between static quark sources in the large-N limit and we compare our theoretical calculation with some numerical lattice result.

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