
A detailed representation of variations of the total solar flux I has been obtained by analyzing the regular measurements of this flux by the Nimbus-7 and other spacecrafts. In particular, quasi-biennial variations (QBVs) of the monthly average value 〈I〉 and standard deviation sI within a month interval have been revealed. It is remarkable that the QBVs of sI almost coincide in shape with the QBVs of many solar activity and ionospheric indices, and the QBVs of 〈I〉 are almost in antiphase with the variations of sI. The manifestation of the QBVs of 〈I〉 in some processes on the Earth has been already revealed. A relation between the QBVs of 〈I〉 for solar radiation (according to the Nimbus-7 and ACRIM-2 data) and the QBVs of the zonal stratospheric wind near the equator, as well as the QBVs of the Earth’s rotation velocity, has been found. Many of the considered QBV-processes on the Earth are seemingly attributed to the variations of the total solar flux.

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