
Based on the Nimbus-7 (1978–1992) data and the parameters of solar activity (Wolf numbers W, solar radioemission F10.7) and the ionosphere (f2 index of the critical frequency of the ionospheric F2 layer normalized to noon), the fractal dimension (FD) of the variations in the solar total irradiance (L) has been determined on the moving annual interval using the Higuchi technique. It has been established that FD estimates substantially vary in time. Quasibiennial variations (QBVs), which similarly manifest themselves in all considered processes, are detected in these variations. It is interesting that all fractal QBVs are in phase with QBVs of solar irradiance (L) and are almost in antiphase with QBVs of initial (filtered) W, F10.7, and f2 indices. The presence of QBVs in the solar processes and in their FD and noncoincidence of the former with the latter in phase indicate that QBVs have a two-component structure. The obtained results also indicate that an analysis of the annual FD estimates of the solar and ionospheric processes in studying variations in these processes is reliable.

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