
This article deals with the synthesis and analysis of quasi-orthogonal nonlinear frequency modulation (NLFM) waveforms to mitigate the impairments of ambiguous returns in quadrature-polarimetric (quad-pol) synthetic aperture radars (SARs). To this end, focusing on signals with a continuous piecewise linear instantaneous frequency, the design of a waveform pair exhibiting both a low cross correlation energy (CCE) and low peak to sidelobe ratios (PSLRs), is considered. To handle the resulting nondeterministic polynomial (NP) hard problem, a coordinate descent (CD) method is employed, where, at each step, the marginal minimization is tackled via a MATLAB optimization toolbox. Hence, transmission/reception schemes jointly capitalizing quasi-orthogonal NLFM waveforms and azimuth phase coding (APC) techniques are proposed to suppress ambiguity interference. Moreover, a systematic framework for the evaluation of the resulting azimuth ambiguity-to-signal ratio (AASR) and range ambiguity-to-signal ratio (RASR) is provided. Finally, detailed simulation experiments based on the LuTan (LT-1) parameters are carried out to verify the practicability and effectiveness of the newly proposed transceiver schemes.

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