
The frequency of occurrence of quasi‐monochromatic oscillations with periods near the inertial period is examined using hourly mean wind observations from the MST radars at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, and Vandenberg Air Force Base, California, spanning 6 years and 4 years, respectively. Power spectral analyses show that the energy levels near the inertial frequency during summer are nearly constant with altitude from about 12 km up to the highest altitude available, about 20 km, while energy levels at lower frequencies decrease with altitude. This decrease leads to a relative enhancement of energy near the inertial frequency. During winter the relative enhancement near the inertial frequency is much smaller. Results from least squares curve fitting used to find the percent of wind variance explained (PEV) by a single wave over data blocks 72 hours long and 2 km deep indicate that a quasi‐monochromatic oscillation is present when PEV ≥ 25%. During summer in the stratosphere over 50% of the cases have PEV ≥ 25%. The best fit waveform has mean period near 21 hours and vertical wavelength near 3 km. The wind vectors exhibit anticyclonic rotation in time and with height, consistent with upward propagating gravity waves. The mean ratio of the intrinsic to the inertial frequency is about 1.3 in this data set, and the associated mean horizontal wavelength of these waves is slightly over 1000 km.

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