
Charged energetic particles propagating in solar wind magnetic fields span field irregularities down to very short turbulent scales, not described by the original quasi-linear theory for weak magnetic turbulence. This theory only predicts a field line diffusion on the largest scales, well above the correlation length, inverse of the spectral flattening wavenumber. The quasi-linear prediction for the transport and behavior of magnetic field lines is generalized here to all scales and arbitrary three-dimensional turbulence spectra. New analytical expressions are derived for the field line mean square cross-field displacement Δx2, and analytical proof is presented for the anomalous transport of the field lines. We find Δx2 ∝ (Δz)β, where Δz is the elapsed distance along the average field and β, the transport exponent, can take any value between 0 and 2. A decreasing turbulence spectrum results in a field line supradiffusion (β > 1), while an inverted spectrum implies a subdiffusion (β < 1). Simple expressions are derived for the transport exponent and coefficient. A powerful new method is presented to compute magnetic field lines in the quasi-linear regime of turbulence that allows rapid computation of field lines generated from any three-dimensional turbulence spectrum, including some 1015 modes and more. Individual field lines computed with this method show how a spectral steepening results in a smoothing of the field lines and how harder spectra give increasingly more short-scale fluctuations. The field line self-similarity, characteristic of power-law spectra, is demonstrated visually, and the anomalous transport of the field lines is confirmed numerically.

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