
This article examines conciliatory forms of proceedings for complaints and disputes related to the application of labor legislation or conditions of certain contracts that echo the past and modern period of extrajudicial forms; it also emphasizes that the period of the new economic policy was due to the phenomenon of rationalization and individualization of consciousness. The normative base of the conciliation and intermediary institutions of the early Soviet period is analyzed, and the competence of the assessment and conflict commissions is shown. The first norms of labor legislation emphasized democracy and attention to the literal mathematical equality of the parties during procedures for resolving conflicts and resolving cases, which has reference to the classical judicial principles of openness, publicity, transparency, and parity in proceedings, and allows us to make a reservation in terms of confusion and inconsistency and rationing the activities of all quasi-judicial institutions. Conciliation and mediation institutions, on the one hand, were built into the system of labor relations, and on the other hand, they are qualified as quasi-judicial, with all the signs of judicial activity. The relevance of the study lies in the fact that conciliatory activity in the civilizational space has been poorly studied, and in this regard, the study has historical significance, and has parallels with the practice of modern labor dispute commissions, conciliation commission, mediator, labor arbitration, arbitration court, mediator, lawyer, notary, and other conciliatory and intermediary institutions. Also, the parallels of the past years against the background of the reconstruction of archival materials and files according to the reports of the craft department of the workshop against the background of the industrial panorama of Belarusian cities in the 19th — early 20th centuries, the industrial appearance of the city of Minsk.

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