
AbstractWe present a novel method for fabricating dense and nanopatterned porous cobalt ferrite (CoFe2O4) thin films with a remarkable thickness of 65 nm, achieved through direct block copolymer self‐assembly. By decomposing the block copolymer and inducing crystallization of the spinel phase, we successfully produce films exhibiting quasi‐hexagonal arrays of pores with an average diameter ranging from 60 to 80 nm. The resulting nanopatterned porous thin films demonstrate exceptional orderliness, as the pores are intricately designed by the cobalt ferrite grains, and the platinum substrate offers complete accessibility in the pore area. Our findings reveal high magnetization values, comparable to those of bulk CoFe2O4, in the dense film. Additionally, in the case of the nanopatterned porous film, we observed a distinctive contribution of perpendicular magnetization. This innovative approach holds great promise for advanced magnetization and thin‐film engineering applications.

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