
AbstractIn the past few years, we built a Hubble diagram of quasars up to redshift , based on the nonlinear relation between quasars' x‐ray and UV luminosities. Such a Hubble diagram shows a deviation from the standard flat CDM model at . Given the important consequences of this result, it is fundamental to rule out any systematic effect in the selection of the sample and/or in the flux measurements, and to investigate possible redshift dependences of the relation, that would invalidate the use of quasars as standard candles. Here we review all the observational results supporting our method: the match of the Hubble diagram of quasars with that of supernovae in the common redshift range, the constant slope of the relation at all redshifts, the redshift non‐evolution of the spectral properties of our sources both in the x‐rays and in the UV. An independent test of our results requires the observation of other standard candles at high redshift. In particular, we expect that future observations of supernovas at will confirm the deviation from the concordance model found with the Hubble diagram of quasars.

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