
The article is devoted to the analysis of quartzite debitage from the lower layers of the Nepryakhino site. The multi-layered Nepryakhino site in the Volga-Ural interfluves is located. The lower layers are dated to OIS3. AMS date for the lower buried soil – 40,620 ± 270 BP. The assemblages from lower layers of Nepryakhino site is characterized by significant amount of bifaces (from 16 to 31 %); prismatic cores accompanied by a representative group of prismatic preforms. The debitage is 97 %. Spalls associated with the preparation, knapping, and trimming of prismatic cores amount to 4 %. The bifacial debitage is 74-82 %. There are two groups of morphologically different flakes from bifaces. Group 1: classical flakes of bifacial thinning/trimming (up to 48–50 %). Striking platform is often linear or dotted strongly beveled, with overhang trimming and pronounced lip. These flakes the main stage of bifacial manufacturing are represents. Group 2 includes flakes (26–32 %) characterized by large size with massive cross-section and curved profile. The striking platforms are wide, beveled in less degree, the overhang trimming is less frequent and less intensive. These flakes the initial stage of bifacial manufacturing are represents. All of bifaces in varying degrees unfinished. Complete bifacial points as well as prismatic cores were transported outside the site.

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