
Lithologic heterogeneity of the Eagle Ford Formation in South Texas arises from mixing of extrabasinal grains of siliciclastic composition with intrabasinal grain assemblages composed dominantly of marine carbonate with a lesser component of biosiliceous debris. Detrital quartz in particular is derived from both extrabasinal and intrabasinal sources, posing a challenge for the use of bulk compositional data for mudrock classification. Extrabasinal detrital quartz supplied along a major axis of siliciclastic influx, the Woodbine depositional system of East Texas, is reduced to a minor part of the grain assemblage in South Texas. Petrographic evidence and point-count results indicate that around 85 percent of total quartz in these rocks, equal to about 12.6 volume percent, is authigenic. Thus, significant quantities of authigenic silica are not restricted to siliceous mudrocks, but can be found in carbonate-rich mudrocks as well. Formerly opaline skeletons of radiolaria, the dominant source of silica for authigenic quartz precipitation, are only poorly preserved by replacements including calcite, dolomite, pyrite, and quartz. Dissolved silica released by dissolution of radiolarians, and perhaps also by volcanic glass dissolution is re-precipitated in a variety of forms, including matrix-dispersed microquartz cement, fillings within primary intragranular pores, and grain replacement of both calcareous and siliceous allochems. The mass balance of dissolved silica mobilized from radiolarians and other reactive silicates and the precipitation of authigenic quartz is uncertain because the initial volumes of now-dissolved detrital material versus the final volume of authigenic material (quartz and other authigenic silicates) cannot be determined with accuracy.

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