
The Russian Federation imports large quantities of planting and grafting material of grapes, including from countries where dangerous harmful organisms are spread to vineyards. Plant protection specialists in this industry, as well as grape producers, must understand the possible risk associated with the danger of the entry of quarantine disease pathogens into the Russian Federation and the potential damage if infected plant material is imported. Studies have been carried out by the staff of All-Russian Plant Quarantine Center to assess the phytosanitary risk of pests associated with the import of seedlings, stocks and grape cuttings. Based on these studies, the list of pests for the vine that have quarantine status and potentially quarantine status for the Russian Federation, in particular bacterioses, phytoplasmas and viral diseases has been established. This article describes the main diseases that affect grapes and are included in the Unified List of Quarantine Pests of the Eurasian Economic Union, as well as potentially dangerous viral diseases that are not currently included, but planned for inclusion in the Unified List, which pose a serious threat if they penetrate to the territory of the Russian Federation. From quarantine pathogens, grapes are affected by grape bacteriosis (Pierce disease of grapevine) (Xylella fastidiosa Wells et al.), bacterial blight of grapevine (Xylophilus ampelinus (Panagopoulos) Willems et al.), Flavescence dorée of grapevine (Candidatus Phytoplasma vitis), from the planned inclusion grapes are affected by red spotting of grape leaves (Grapevine red blotch-associated virus), marbling of grape leaves (Grapevine vein clearing virus) and discoloration of the leaves of Roditis grape (Grapevine Roditis leaf discoloration-associated virus). The article considers the biological peculiarities of pathogens, ways of their possible penetration and spread on the territory of the cultivation of grape in the Russian Federation, host plants of quarantine and dangerous pests, the main symptoms of diseases on plants, possible vectors, damage caused by quarantine pests in the countries of spreading, diagnostic methods, as well as areas of possible harmfulness for the Russian Federation.

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