
We consider three-photon--one-photon phase control of resonance-enhanced photonioization with a phase-diffusion field. As is well known, control is achieved because excitation via the fundamental field interferes with excitation via the third harmonic field, and the form of the interference (i.e., constructive or destructive) depends on the relative phase difference between the two fields. In the problem, the stochastic nature of the field influences control because the propagation constant of a dispersive medium depends on the field's fluctuating frequency. Here, we approach the influence of laser phase noise on control via (i) a physically intuitive zeroth-order approximation, (ii) first-order perturbation theory, and (iii) numerical simulation. Our results show that first-order perturbation theory is not attractive for the study of this problem, since it requires the evaluation of very high order correlation functions associated with the fundamental field"s fluctuating frequency. More importantly, however, numerical simulation demonstrates that highly efficient control can be attained even in the presence of very large linewidth fields.

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