
We consider the problem of energy transport in a chain of coupled quantum systems with the goal of shedding light on how nonclassical resources can affect transport. We study the cases for which either coherent or incoherent energy hopping takes place in the chain. Here, incoherent energy hopping is referred to as the "classical" scenario in allusion to its fully diagonal dynamics in the basis formed by the eigenstates of the decoupled sites. We focus on the case of a linear chain of two-level sites and find a hopping rate threshold above which the coherent quantum case is more efficient than the incoherent counterpart. We then link the quantum hopping rate to the coherence global maximum, which allows us to state that there is a coherence threshold above which the quantum scenario is more efficient. Next, we consider the integrated coherence generated by the dynamics and show how it is related to what is known as the invasiveness of a quantum operation. Our results strongly suggest the significant role played by quantum invasiveness as a resource for quantum transport.

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