
We study quantum transport properties of two-dimensional electron gases under high perpendicular magnetic fields. For this purpose, we reformulate the high-field expansion, usually done in the operatorial language of the guiding-center coordinates, in terms of vortex states within the framework of real-time Green functions. These vortex states arise naturally from the consideration that the Landau levels quantization can follow directly from the existence of a topological winding number. The microscopic computation of the current can then be performed within the Keldysh formalism in a systematic way at finite magnetic fields $B$ (i.e., beyond the semiclassical limit $B=\ensuremath{\infty}$). The formalism allows us to define a general vortex current density as long as the gradient expansion theory is applicable. As a result, the total current is expressed in terms of edge contributions only. We obtain the first and third lowest order contributions to the current due to Landau-levels mixing processes, and derive in a transparent way the quantization of the Hall conductance. Finally, we point out qualitatively the importance of inhomogeneities of the vortex density to capture the dissipative longitudinal transport.

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