
Quantum thermodynamics can be cast as a resource theory by considering free access to a heat bath, thereby viewing the Gibbs state at a fixed temperature as a free state and hence any other state as a resource. Here, we consider a multipartite scenario where several parties attempt at extracting work locally, each having access to a local heat bath (possibly with a different temperature), assisted with an energy-preserving global unitary. As a specific model, we analyze a collection of harmonic oscillators or a multimode bosonic system. Focusing on the Gaussian paradigm, we construct a reasonable resource theory of local activity for a multimode bosonic system, where we identify as free any state that is obtained from a product of thermal states (possibly at different temperatures) acted upon by any linear-optics (passive Gaussian) transformation. The associated free operations are then all linear-optics transformations supplemented with tensoring and partial tracing. We show that the local Gaussian extractable work (if each party applies a Gaussian unitary, assisted with linear optics) is zero if and only if the covariance matrix of the system is that of a free state. Further, we develop a resource theory of local Gaussian extractable work, defined as the difference between the trace and symplectic trace of the covariance matrix of the system. We prove that it is a resource monotone that cannot increase under free operations. We also provide examples illustrating the distillation of local activity and local Gaussian extractable work.

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