
We paraquantize the classical massless relativistic-string action and find that the resulting theory is Poincar\'e-invariant in four space-time dimensions if we use para-Bose commutation relations of order 12. More generally, we find that if the dimension $D$ of the space-time and the order $q$ of parabosons are related by the expression $D=2+\frac{24}{q}$, then the quantized theory is Poincar\'e-invariant. We also construct a fermionic parastring model which is the analog of the Ramond-Neveu-Schwarz model and find that it is invariant in $D$ dimensions if $D=2+\frac{8}{q}$, both the fermions and the bosons being of order $q$. We show by explicit Klein transformations that these theories are equivalent to color-endowed canonically quantized strings with $\mathrm{SO}(q\ensuremath{-}1)$ color symmetry. We obtain dual tree amplitudes by suitable choice of vertices. Finally, we consider second-quantized parastring theories and show, by an explicit example, that they can be Poincar\'e-invariant in four space-time dimensions.

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