
By utilizing entanglement property of photons the entangled two-photon absorption (ETPA) effect of an organic material, porphyrin dendrimer, is demonstrated through the comparison of the property of entangled photons to the property of quantum-correlated photons. The ETPA showed a cross-section 31 orders of magnitude higher than the cross-section of the classical two-photon absorption (TPA). This high cross-section is comparable to the cross-section of the resonant single-photon absorption. The entangled absorption effect is compared to the correlated TPA effect to determine the degree of correlation between the entangled and quantum correlated photon pairs. The experimental data describe the different degree of correlation of the non-entangled and entangled photon pairs by demonstrating linear and nonlinear relationship of the absorbed photon flux to the input photon flux. The linearity of the ETPA is an interesting quantum effect because the two-photon absorption is an inherently nonlinear process. Virtual state spectroscopy is also demonstrated as a novel spectroscopic method to investigate the properties of the virtual state from non-monotonic behavior of the cross-section which is represented by controlling temporal property of the entanglement. These results from the quantum spectroscopy methods show a unique quantum property which is not feasible to detect using classical methods.

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