
We find a massive simplification in the non-perturbative expression for the structure constant of Wilson lines with 3 cusps when expressed in terms of the key Quantum Spectral Curve quantities, namely Q-functions. Our calculation is done for the configuration of 3 cusps lying in the same plane with arbitrary angles in the ladders limit. This provides strong evidence that the Quantum Spectral Curve is not only a highly efficient tool for finding the anomalous dimensions but also encodes correlation functions with all wrapping corrections taken into account to all orders in the ‘t Hooft coupling. We also show how to study the insertions of scalars coupled to the Wilson lines and extend our results for the spectrum and the structure constants to this case. We discuss an OPE expansion of two cusps in terms of these states. Our results give additional support to the Separation of Variables strategy in solving the planar mathcal{N}=4 SYM theory.


  • Integrability is a unique tool allowing one to obtain exact non-perturbative results in fully interacting field theories even when the supersymmetry is of no use

  • We find a massive simplification in the non-perturbative expression for the structure constant of Wilson lines with 3 cusps when expressed in terms of the key Quantum Spectral Curve quantities, namely Q-functions

  • Our calculation is done for the configuration of 3 cusps lying in the same plane with arbitrary angles in the ladders limit. This provides strong evidence that the Quantum Spectral Curve is a highly efficient tool for finding the anomalous dimensions and encodes correlation functions with all wrapping corrections taken into account to all orders in the ‘t Hooft coupling

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Integrability is a unique tool allowing one to obtain exact non-perturbative results in fully interacting field theories even when the supersymmetry is of no use. The Q-functions are known to play the role of the wave functions in the Separation of Variables (SoV) program initiated for quantum integrable models in [16,17,18,19] and recently generalized to SU(N ) spin chains in [20] leading to a new algebraic construction for the states (see [21, 22]). We propose that it corresponds to one of the excited states in the Schrodinger equation (and to a well-defined analytic continuation in the QSC outside the ladders limit) We verified this claim at weak coupling by comparing with the direct perturbation theory calculation of [54].6. The appendices contain various technical details, in particular the detailed strong coupling expansion for the spectrum

Quantum Spectral Curve in the ladders limit
Baxter equation in the ladders limit
Bethe-Salpeter equations and the Q-function
Bethe-Salpeter equation
Two-point function with finite part
Relation to Q-functions
Three-cusp structure constant
Set-up and parameterization
Heavy-Light-Light correlator
Heavy-Heavy-Light correlator
Excited states
Excited states and insertions
Correlator with excited states
Excited states at weak coupling from QSC
Excited states at weak coupling from Feynman diagrams
Simplifying limit
Numerical evaluation
Correlation functions at weak coupling
The 4-point function and twisted OPE
The 4-cusp correlation function
The cusp OPE
OPE expansion of more general correlators
Checks at weak coupling
10 Conclusions
A Technical details on the QSC
Derivation of the quantization condition
Quantization condition from asymptotics of the Ω functions
B Quantization condition and square-integrability of the wave function
C Perturbative results
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