
Abstract In this chapter, we present quantum algorithms to approximate Hamiltonian eigenstates. We start discussing the quantum phase estimation algorithms, an important subroutine that allows us to approximate eigenpairs of a Hamiltonian operator given an initial guess and a quantum circuit implementing the time evolution operator. We then present the adiabatic state preparation, a technique to transform the ground state of a Hamiltonian into the ground state of another Hamiltonian. We describe two important heuristic methods, the quantum approximate optimization algorithm, and the variational quantum eigensolver. The second part of the chapter discusses concrete applications in the field of quantum chemistry. After introducing the Born-Oppenheimer Hamiltonian in second quantization and the Hartree-Fock method, we illustrate how a chemical problem can be mapped onto a quantum computer. We conclude the chapter with the simulation of the hydrogen molecule in a minimal basis with the iterative phase estimation algorithm.

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