
The restoration of the initial state in the Raman interaction of the two atoms with the quantified pump and Stokes (anti-Stokes) cavity modes is analytically obtained. For this the su (2) symmetry representation of the bimodal field and a system of two atoms in scattering interaction is proposed for the simplification of the problem. Using the proprieties of the generators su (2) algebra the exact non-stationary solution of the system of two atoms in interaction with the bimodal field is found, taking into consideration the initial disentangled state between the atomic and field superposition. It is demonstrated that after this collapse and revivals of the inversion of flying atoms in the processes of absorption and emission of the photons from Stokes and pump modes the system atoms and field becomes entangled. The conditions of the restoration of the initial state of the atom-field system were established as a function of the flying time through the resonator possible. A set of discrete flying time intervals for the restoration of the initial disentangled state was found.

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