
We consider the quantum Rabi model as an open system that is subject to dissipation, dephasing, and sinusoidal qubit driving. One can change to an interaction picture where the qubit-driving term disappears at the expense of changing the free energy of the qubit which becomes time dependent. If the driving frequency is large with respect to the rest of the parameters with the exception of the driving strength, then one can obtain an effective Hamiltonian that accurately describes the dynamics of the system. The driving has two effects: the qubit-transition frequency is changed and the qubit has reduced dephasing. The driving strength can be chosen so that the qubit-transition frequency is reduced, made equal to zero, or even made negative so that the excited and ground states of the qubit are interchanged. Therefore, sinusoidal qubit driving offers another method to control the qubit-transition frequency and to reduce qubit dephasing. Adjusting the driving strength allows one to consider a qubit with degenerate energy levels. Not taking dissipation into account, the evolution operator of the qubit-harmonic oscillator system is given by a linear combination of the orthogonal projectors onto the eigenstates of ${\stackrel{\ifmmode \hat{}\else \^{}\fi{}}{\ensuremath{\sigma}}}_{x}$ followed by the evolution operator of a forced harmonic oscillator, the harmonic oscillator can be prepared in such a way that it is always found in a Schr\"odinger cat state, and the transition probability of the qubit can exhibit a collapse-revival behavior. In addition, the Born-Markov-secular master equation is deduced and the effects of dissipation are presented. In particular, smaller ultrastrong-coupling values are preferable over larger ultrastrong-coupling values and deep strong-coupling values in order to have long-lived, easily distinguishable Schr\"odinger cat states because the decoherence rate is inversely proportional to the square of the coupling. Finally, the qubit-harmonic oscillator system can be prepared in highly entangled states that are stable under dissipation.

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