
Motivated by the nonequilibrium dynamics experiment, we study the quantum quench dynamics of the JCH model with weak nearest-neighbor hopping strength by exact diagonalization. One of the crucial insights is to focus on the comparison between the time-averaged density matrix and the canonical ensemble in a wide range of values for the coupling strength between the cavity and the atom, and significant differences are found. Thus, this phenomenon can be used to infer that the system with weak nearest-neighbor hopping strength may be integrable. In order to verify our prediction, we perform the level spacing distribution of the system and find that they conform with the characteristics of the integrable system. Further, a nearly integrable system is presented by removing the degenerate energy level and fitting Brody distribution. Besides, the evolution of the momentum distribution functions of the photon and the equilibrium value predicted by the canonical ensemble are followed, which demonstrates that the system cannot be thermalized. Finally, the way how the system avoids thermalization is also discussed by the finite-size scaling of the fluctuations of the diagonal and the off-diagonal matrix elements.

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