
A single-shot entangling gate plays a crucial role in quantum information processing due to its high fidelity. This operation gate is fast to create a maximally entangled state and forms a universal gate set for quantum computing. Currently, the preparation and demonstration of multi-qubit entanglement are achieved based on sequences of single- and two-qubit operations, yielding lower fidelity and requiring longer execution time. Here, we demonstrate by numerically simulating the use of quantum process tomography to fully characterize the performance of a single-shot three-qubit entangling gate. This gate is used to create a Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger entangled state in Sakhouf et al (2021 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 54 175501), directly generated by three transmon-type superconducting qubits which are mediated by a resonator with the assistance of a microwave field. Comparing ideal and simulated quantum process tomography, we characterize the entangling gate performance by calculating the mean fidelity achieving a high value .

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