
J. P. McKINNEY, his interesting discussion Philosophy East and West for October, 1953, has suggested that it is quantum physics, or wave mechanics, based on Planck's quantum of energy and Heisenberg's Principle of Indeterminacy or Uncertainty, that the real revolution of thought is now seen as having taken place. Here thought has reached back to that in-itself-undifferentiated 'substratum' which is seen as underlying the common world of determinate things time and space.' McKinney has advanced the opinion that in effect, Western thought has been brought round-actually has brought itself round by the inner logical necessity of its own development-to a standpoint which has been the traditional assumption of Eastern thought.2 I think McKinney has overstated his case. If, as he has urged, there are reasons for distrusting the popular idealistic interpretations of relativity, there seem to be no less valid reasons for doubting the exaggerated, quasimystical constructions put on quantum mechanics. At least two important facts must be taken into account: (1) Western scientists do not agree as to what, if any, the metaphysical implications of quantum mechanics are; (2) Western scientists do not agree, even from a scientific point of view, with respect to the proper interpretation of certain crucial aspects of quantum mechanics.

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