
Conducting interfaces between polar and nonpolar insulating oxides, e.g., ${\mathrm{LaAlO}}_{3}/{\mathrm{SrTiO}}_{3}$, have generated interest for both fundamental physics and oxide-electronics applications. Current understanding is based on an amalgamation of a classical electrostatic model (polar catastrophe model) that was originally derived for semi-infinite solids and quantum density-functional-theory (DFT) results on ultrathin films. Here we report comprehensive DFT calculations that unveil a very different purely quantum physical reality. We show that, for ultrathin polar films, the interfacial dipole does not control the electrostatic potential in the polar film---the surface and interface play equal roles, and the absence or presence of centrosymmetry in the physical LAO film results in different, purely quantum mechanisms for the generation of a conducting interface, neither involving physical-charged transfer. Predictions are made that can be tested and can guide technology development.

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