
We propose quantum phase transitions beyond the Landau's paradigm of Sp(4) spin Heisenberg models on the triangular and square lattices motivated by the exact $\text{Sp}(4)\ensuremath{\simeq}\text{SO}(5)$ symmetry of spin-3/2 fermionic cold atomic system with only $s$-wave scattering. On the triangular lattice, we study a phase transition between the $\sqrt{3}\ifmmode\times\else\texttimes\fi{}\sqrt{3}$ spin ordered phase and a ${Z}_{2}$ spin liquid phase; this phase transition is described by an O(8) sigma model in terms of fractionalized spinon fields, with significant anomalous scaling dimensions of spin order parameters. On the square lattice, we propose a deconfined critical point between the Neel order and the valence bond solid (VBS) order, which is described by the CP(3) model, and the monopole effect of the compact U(1) gauge field is expected to be suppressed at the critical point.

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