
We consider a long-range Ising antiferromagnet put in a transverse field (LRTIAF) with disorder. We have obtained the phase diagrams for both the classical and quantum cases. For the pure case applying quantum Monte Carlo method, we study the variation in order parameter (spin correlation in the Trotter direction), susceptibility, and average energy of the system for various values of the transverse field at different temperatures. The antiferromagnetic order is seen to get immediately broken as soon as the thermal or quantum fluctuations are added. We discuss generally the phase diagram for the same LRTIAF model with perturbative Sherrington-Kirkpatrick-type disorder. We find that while the antiferromagnetic order is immediately broken as one adds an infinitesimal transverse field or thermal fluctuation to the pure LRTIAF system, an infinitesimal SK spin-glass disorder is enough to induce a stable glass order in the LRTIAF. This glass order eventually gets destroyed as the thermal or quantum fluctuations are increased beyond their threshold values and the transition to paramagnetic phase occurs. Analytical studies for the phase transitions are discussed in details in each case. These transitions have been confirmed by applying classical and quantum Monte Carlo methods. We show here that the disordered LRTIAF has a surrogate incubation property of the SK spin glass phase.

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