
A spin-1/2 Heisenberg model on a honeycomb lattice is investigated by doing triplon analysis and quantum Monte Carlo calculations. This model, inspired by ${\mathrm{Cu}}_{2}{(\mathrm{pymca})}_{3}({\mathrm{ClO}}_{4}$), has three different antiferromagnetic exchange interactions (${J}_{A}, {J}_{B}, {J}_{C}$) on three different sets of nearest-neighbor bonds which form a kagome superlattice. While the model is bipartite and unfrustrated, its quantum phase diagram is found to be dominated by a quantum paramagnetic phase that is best described as a spin-gapped hexagonal-singlet state. The N\'eel antiferromagnetic order survives only in a small region around ${J}_{A}={J}_{B}={J}_{C}$. The magnetization produced by the external magnetic field is found to exhibit plateaus at 1/3 and 2/3 of the saturation value, or at 1/3 alone, or no plateaus. Notably, the plateaus exist only inside a bounded region within the hexagonal-singlet phase. This study provides a clear understanding of the spin-gapped behavior and magnetization plateaus observed in ${\mathrm{Cu}}_{2}{(\mathrm{pymca})}_{3}({\mathrm{ClO}}_{4}$), and also predicts the possible disappearance of 2/3 plateau under pressure.

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