
Mirror maps play an important role in studying supersymmetric gauge theories. In these theories the dynamics is often encoded in an algebraic curve where two sets of periods enjoy the symplectic structure. The A-periods contribute to redefinitions of chemical potentials known as mirror maps. Using the quantization of the D5 del Pezzo geometry, which enjoys the symmetry of the D5 Weyl group, we are able to identify clearly the group-theoretical structure and the multi-covering structure for the mirror map. With the structures, we can apply the mirror map to superconformal Chern–Simons theories describing the worldvolume of multiple M2-branes on various backgrounds, where we find that the redefinition of the chemical potential is obtained directly from the mirror map. Besides, we have interesting observations for the mirror map: the representations appearing in the quantum mirror map are the same as those appearing in the BPS indices except for the trivial case of degree 1 and the coefficients are all integers.

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