
A renormalizable theory of gravity is obtained if the dimension-less 4-derivative kinetic term of the graviton, which classically suffers from negative unbounded energy, admits a sensible quantization. We find that a 4-derivative degree of freedom involves a canonical coordinate with unusual time-inversion parity, and that a correspondingly unusual representation must be employed for the relative quantum operator. The resulting theory has positive energy eigenvalues, normalizable wavefunctions, unitary evolution in a negative-norm configuration space. We present a formalism for quantum mechanics with a generic norm.


  • This classical arbitrarily negative energy is avoided by quantization with anti-commutators, if the vacuum state is appropriately chosen

  • We here study the concrete system that lies at the basis of perturbative Quantum Field Theory: the harmonic oscillator

  • Starting from the harmonic oscillator, we describe a more general representation of a pair of canonical coordinate variables q, p

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The Ostrogradski classical canonical formalism

Let us introduce the main issues in the simplest relevant case. Our final goal will be 4-derivative gravity; the graviton components can be Fourier expanded into modes with given momentum and four time derivatives, and at leading order in the perturbative expansion one has decoupled harmonic oscillators. Ostrogradski introduced an auxiliary coordinate q2 that allows one to describe the 4-derivative oscillator in canonical Hamiltonian form Using the Poisson parentheses { , } one computes the Hamiltonian equations of motion:. For any λ they imply the classical Lagrangian equation of motion. The correspondin..g. classical solution, for given initial conditions q0, q0, q0, q 0 at t = 0, is q (t ). This is a well-behaved oscillator without run-away issues because the positive-energy and negative-energy components are decoupled.

Quantizing the Ostrogradski Hamiltonian
Quantum mechanics with negative norm
Unitary time evolution
Example: the indefinite-norm two-state system
The negative-norm harmonic oscillator
The negative-norm coordinate representation
For four derivatives Dirac–Pauli is desirable
The frequency eigenstates
Path integral for generic norm
Path integral for 4-derivative quantum theories
Euclidean path integral for 4-derivative quantum theories
Adding interactions
Extension to quantum field theory
Ghost does not play dice?
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Paper version not known

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