
In this paper Quantum Mechanics with Fundamental Length is chosen as Quantum Mechanics at Planck's scale. This is possible due to the theory of General Uncertainty Relations. Here Quantum Mechanics with Fundamental Length is obtained as a deformation of Quantum Mechanics. The distinguishing feature of the proposed approach in comparison with previous ones, lies in the fact that here the density matrix are subjected to deformation, whereas in the previous approaches only commutators are deformed. The density matrix obtained by deforming the quantum-mechanical one is named the density pro-matrix throughout this paper. Within our approach two main features of Quantum Mechanics are conserved: the probabilistic interpretation of the theory and the well-known measuring procedure corresponding to that interpretation. The proposed approach allows a description of the dynamics. In particular, the explicit form of the deformed Liouville's equation and the deformed Shrödinger's picture are given. Some implications of obtained results are discussed. In particular, the problem of singularity, the hypothesis of cosmic censorship, a possible improvement of the definition of statistical entropy and the problem of information loss in black holes are considered. It is shown that the results obtained here allow one to deduce in a simple and natural way the Bekenstein–Hawking's formula for black hole entropy in semiclassical approximation.

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