
Human mental life is a form of existence of information not only electromagnetic, but also acoustic, spin, soliton and bioplasm. That is, the layout the biological human in addition to the biochemical way uses the message of information using energy and information converters in living cells. The human biological system creates the pictorial structure of the world not only through sensory perception, but also on the basis of soliton, spin and bioplasm waves. The action of solitons in the biological system of man gives the basis for seeing the psychobiological structures of man in a different light, as presented in biology, medicine and psychology. The science to date recognizes only the action of an electromagnetic wave on the sense of sight. It can be concluded that we are dealing with a second center that creates the structure of the world image and is responsible for health and the development of diseases in humans. According to the authors, consciousness cooperates with the cosmos and is guided by the laws of quantum mechanics. Under its law, there is room for artificial consciousness. In their deliberations, the authors will understand that it is a dynamic structure of quantum-cybernetic-information team processes taking place in the bioplasm of the brain, which is in synergistic interaction with biocomputer simulation, guided by the emission of coherent light, modulated by a soliton wave.

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