
AbstractThe quantum information measures and complexity of the modified Mobius squared plus Eckart (MMSE) potential are presented in this paper. First, the energy eigenvalues and wave function of the system are obtained from the approximate solutions of the Schrödinger equation via the parametric Nikiforov‐Uvarov (pNU) method. Using the wave function, the Shannon entropy, Onicescu information energy and Fisher information of the system are examined for two low‐lying states along with the modified Lopez‐Ruiz‐Mancini‐Calbet (LMC) complexity and Heisenberg uncertainty relation. The results of the work point to the fact that the radial (momentum) probability density peak shifts to lower (higher) values with increase in the screening parameter. Furthermore, the Bialynicki‐Birula and Mycielski (BBM) inequality, the lower bound of the modified LMC complexity, the Fisher information sum inequality and the Stam‐Cramer‐Rao inequality are verified for the system. Also, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle is verified for the MMSE potential and the existence of squeezed states is observed for both position and momentum states.

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