
We propose a new approach of many-particle quantum hydrodynamics to describe a system of interacting magnetic skyrmions in the external fields. The model is based on the description of skyrmions as a fluid of point-like particles. The equations of many-particle quantum hydrodynamics are obtained for a system of skyrmions with induced dipole moments and charges. The dipole–dipole interaction between dipoles and the Coulomb interaction between charges are taken into account. The influence of quantum effects in the form of the Bohm quantum potential is obtained. The contribution of Magnus effect to the dynamics of dipoles current density is predicted. The electron–skyrmion interactions are considered, based on a two-fluid model of quantum hydrodynamics with separate description of spin-up and spin-down electrons on the background of skyrmion lattice. The proposed model can be further used to study the dynamical effects in a system of skyrmions in the external fields.

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