
In his Ph.D. thesis, Bekenstein suggested that, for a black hole in equilibrium, a multiple of its surface gravity should be identified with its temperature and a multiple of the area of its event horizon should be identified with its thermodynamic entropy [1]. In this reasoning, he had to use not only general relativity but also quantum mechanics. Indeed, without recourse to the Planck’s constant, ℏ, the identification is impossible because even the physical dimensions do not match. Around the same time, Bardeen, Carter and Hawking derived laws governing the mechanics of black holes within classical general relativity [2]. These laws have a remarkable similarity with the fundamental laws of thermodynamics. However, the derivation makes no reference to quantum mechanics at all and, within classical general relativity, a relation between the two seems quite implausible: since nothing can come out of black holes and since their interiors are completely inaccessible to outside observers, it would seem that, physically, they can only have zero temperature and infinite entropy. Therefore the similarity was at first thought to be purely mathematical. This viewpoint changed dramatically with Hawking’s discovery of black hole evaporation in the following year [3]. Using an external potential approximation, in which the gravitational field is treated classically but matter fields are treated quantum mechanically, Hawking argued that black holes are not black after all! They radiate as if they are black bodies with a temperature equal to 1/27π times the surface gravity. One can therefore regard the similarity between the laws of black hole mechanics and those of thermodynamics as reflecting physical reality and argue that the entropy of a black hole is given by 1/4-th its area. Thus, Bekenstein’s insights turned out to be essentially correct (although the precise proportionality factors he had suggested were modified).KeywordsBlack HoleQuantum GravityEvent HorizonBlack Hole EntropyFlux LineThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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