
We show that the standard Heisenberg algebra of quantum mechanics admits a noncommutative differential calculus Ω1 depending on the Hamiltonian p2/2m + V(x), and a flat quantum connection ∇ with torsion such that a previous quantum-geometric formulation of flow along autoparallel curves (or “geodesics”) is exactly Schrödinger’s equation. The connection ∇ preserves a non-symmetric quantum metric given by the canonical symplectic structure lifted to a rank (0, 2) tensor on the extended phase space where we adjoin a time variable. We also apply the same approach to obtain a novel flow generated by the Klein–Gordon operator on Minkowski spacetime with a background electromagnetic field, by formulating quantum “geodesics” on the relativistic Heisenberg algebra with proper time for the external geodesic parameter. Examples include quantum geodesics that look like a relativistic free particle wave packet and a hydrogen-like atom.

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