
I review the use of the 2PI effective action in nonequilibrium quantum field theory. The approach enables one to find approximation schemes which circumvent long-standing problems of non-thermal or secular (unbounded) late-time evolutions encountered in standard loop or 1/N expansions of the 1PI effective action. It is shown that late-time thermalization can be described from a numerical solution of the three-loop 2PI effective action for a scalar $\phi^4$--theory in 1+1 dimensions (with Jurgen Cox, hep-ph/0006160). Quantitative results far from equilibrium beyond the weak coupling expansion can be obtained from the 1/N expansion of the 2PI effective action at next-to-leading order (NLO), calculated for a scalar O(N) symmetric quantum field theory (hep-ph/0105311). Extending recent calculations in classical field theory by Aarts et al. (hep-ph/0007357) and by Blagoev et al. (hep-ph/0106195) to $N>1$ we show that the NLO approximation converges to exact (MC) results already for moderate values of $N$ (with Gert Aarts, hep-ph/0107129). I comment on characteristic time scales in scalar quantum field theory and the applicability of classical field theory for sufficiently high initial occupation numbers.

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