
The Hawking temperature for a Schwarzschild black hole is T=1/8πM, where M is the black hole mass. This formula is derived for a fixed Schwarzschild background metric, where the mass M could be arbitrary small. Note that, for vanishing M→0, the temperature T becomes infinite. However, the Schwarzschild metric itself is regular when the black hole mass M tends to zero; it is reduced to the Minkowski metric, and there are no reasons to believe that the temperature becomes infinite. We point out that this discrepancy may be due to the fact that the Kruskal coordinates are singular in the limit of the vanishing mass of the black hole. To elucidate the situation, new coordinates for the Schwarzschild metric are introduced, called thermal coordinates, which depend on the black hole mass M and the parameter b. The parameter b specifies the motion of the observer along a special trajectory. The thermal coordinates are regular in the limit of vanishing black hole mass M. In this limit, the Schwarzschild metric is reduced to the Minkowski metric, written in coordinates dual to the Rindler coordinates. Using the thermal coordinates, the Schwarzschild black hole radiation is reconsidered, and it is found that the Hawking formula for temperature is valid only for large black holes, while for small black holes, the temperature is T=1/2π(4M+b). The thermal observer in Minkowski space sees radiation with temperature T=1/2πb, similar to the Unruh effect with non-constant acceleration. The thermal coordinates for more general spherically symmetric metrics, including the Reissner–Nordstrom, de Sitter, and anti-de Sitter, are also considered. In these coordinates, one sees a Planck distribution with constant temperature. One obtains that the thermal Planck distribution of massless particles is not restricted to the cases of black holes or constant acceleration, but is valid for any spherically symmetric metric written in thermal coordinates.

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