
Quantum effects in accelerated frames and gravitational fields have been studied for decades. One of the most influential outcomes is the discovery of thermal radiation from a black hole by Hawking in 1975. Other important discoveries include the Unruh effect, dynamical Casimir effect etc.. Although these discoveries are very exciting, experimental verification of them is extremely challenging. Even in the theoretical aspect, not all the issues have been resolved, e.g., the well known black hole information paradox. Quantum information science was developed rapidly during the last thirty years. The well established concepts and tools in quantum information science have been used to explore the quantum effects in gravitational fields and relativistic frames, giving birth to a new research field named relativistic quantum information. This thesis studies quantum effects in accelerated frames and gravitational fields by exploiting the concepts and techniques in quantum information science. The Unruh effect implies that the state of the fields confined within part of the Minkowski spacetime can appear thermal, and entanglement exists between different spacetime regions. We show that the particle number distribution of the field modes confined within a finite diamond region is also thermal in the Minkowski vacuum, an analogue to the Unruh effect; and there exists entanglement between different diamonds. The vacuum entanglement can be extracted and utilized for some quantum information protocols, e.g., quantum key distribution. Furthermore, we show that the presence of a horizon and the Unruh thermal noise has important consequences to the quantum communication protocols where one of the parties is a uniformly accelerated observer. Interactions between uniformly accelerated objects and quantum fields are traditionally studied using perturbation theory. The quantum circuit model, a crucial tool in quantum communication and computation, can be exploited to calculate radiations from the uniformly accelerated objects non-perturbatively. By further combining field detection scheme in quantum optics, e.g., homodyne detection, the output field from the uniformly accelerated objects can be fully studied. These techniques help to study decoherence effect in non-inertial frames, which may provide important insights for the black hole information paradox. Dynamical spacetimes generally create quantum particles. Gravitational perturbations around a black hole oscillate and decay, due to the emission of gravitational waves to spatial infinity and into the black hole. We show that they play the role as a multimode squeezer, squeezing the state of the quantum fields and creating particles.

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